A Beginner

Hi. This is my first post and hence a Beginner.  We find most of us are a Beginner all through our lives and keep beginning some thing or the other at some time in our lives or most of the times in our lives.

So being a Beginner is to gain an experience, make an achievement and make another Beginning.  Beginning, friends, is not just confined to a toddler beginning to walk, to talk…even the end of life is a beginning of another life. Well why then we all shiver or are nurvous  at beginning a new thing? Could be due to fear of failure!

Fear of failure comes in when we are too worried about consequences of the beginning that we are about to make. Instead we must think about the nobility of a Beginning and how to start it right. A beginning made with these two prime points a) the noble objective and b) the correct start; would definitely lead to desired results. Fears are to be overcome by acquiring learnings and skills required to carry out a Beginning prudently.

Friends, I intend to bore you all with such like thoughts and experiences i have gone through which may be very humble in nature but have given me a peace of mind and a bit of success in my own assessment. The best assessment of a successful life is one’s own and not what and how others see it.

Happy Days!