Career : Money, Position Or Purpose

It is always a tough call to decide for a Job change. A tough call in the sense as to why one would want to call it a day in an organization that he / she is working and what kind of organization one wud want to go to.

While interviewing many professionals, I found their reason for current job change &/ or previous job changes they did were due to enhanced Money & then improved position not necessarily improved work profile.

To my mind 02 factors play a larger roll in decision of a Job Change viz – Money & Position (designation). While designation relates to work profile also.

However, there is a 3rd factor & which must be the TOP factor in considering a Job Change and that is – PURPOSE. What is it that One is looking for from work life. Work Life success has direct impact on personal life. Thus if we start considering PURPOSE as a factor 1st and TOP factor then our professional lives would be more fulfilling leading to happy personal lives.

PURPOSE brings achievement, success & recognition. Recognition brings Job longevity and position, Position brings Money.

All d best.